Global Learning Spaces
Global Learning Spaces
Global Learning Spaces (GLS) are classrooms that put the best teaching technologies at your fingertips.
With the one-touch join solution, enjoy the frictionless connection of your personal devices to GLS classroom audio and video. GLS’s innovative technology is powered by Microsoft Teams, is compatible with Microsoft 365 applications, and leverages digital accessibility tools. GLS classroom technology provides a more consistent teaching and learning experience across the university’s global campus system.

Global Learning Spaces Classrooms
GLS classrooms have core equipment and technology including touch-screen control panels, cameras and microphones, a large monitor, and HDMI ports to connect your devices. Some classrooms may have slight variations, for example, classrooms may have more monitors, a broadcast whiteboard, or a Scribe whiteboard camera.
Select classrooms at Northeastern campuses in Boston, Oakland, Seattle, Burlington, and Vancouver have been transformed into Global Learning Spaces—the new vision for a consistent teaching and learning experience across the university’s global campus system.
Classroom Dashboard
Find out exactly what’s in each GLS classroom on the Classroom Dashboard. Each classroom is listed with classroom technology specifications, classroom Teams meeting email, Quick Start guide, and images of the classroom.
- Whether classes are conducted with in-person or hybrid audiences, one-touch join reduces the friction of connecting a personal device to the room audio and video, allowing the instructor freedom of movement within the classroom.
- Modern microphone and camera configurations provide an ideal solution for classes with remote participants and for classroom recording.
- Innovative whiteboard capture technology provides more viewing and reviewing options for a more inclusive experience for students.
- Teams Meetings-enhanced classroom management features help instructors facilitate any kind of class.
- Larger classes benefit from additional depth of engagement through chat and reactions.
- Meeting and chat functions help instructors with remote participants more easily support a connection between remote and in-person participants.
- Persistent meeting chats make reviewing and continuing conversations after class easy.
- For instructors who prefer further engagement options, Team Class provides a platform for extending engagement beyond the classroom to keep the learning happening between class sessions.

Getting Started
Whether exploring transformational opportunities to connect within and beyond the classroom or seeking help plugging into the in-room equipment, training and support options are available. If you do not need the full list of options right away, you can consult these resources over time.
Note: All instructors teaching in Global Learning Spaces are highly encouraged to bring their own device and adapter dongle, even if a cart or in-classroom device is present.
Essential Classroom Technology Training
In-person, hybrid, and remote training opportunities are available. To learn how to use the GLS classroom, start with this on-demand training. You may also sign up for a classroom technology training demo or consultation.
Pedagogically Focused Training
Instructors looking for opportunities to incorporate the classroom into a larger student engagement strategy—such as the use of Microsoft Teams or in-class polling—can explore and sign up for pedagogically focused training and consultations.
Quick Start Guides
Review classroom Quick Start Guides located in each classroom, by searching for your room on the Classroom Dashboard, or view the GLS guide here:

In-class Technical Support
Receive help in your GLS classroom when you need it.
- Boston and Oakland:
- Other global campuses:
Have a question or need after-hours support? The IT Service Desk is available 24/7 by calling 617.373.HELP [4357] or emailing